Theme: STEM Connects All: Never Too Early, Never Too Late
2019 Presentation Topics
Presentation descriptions will soon follow
(Double sessions shown in red)
1. One and Done …now teaching is fun!
2. Inspiring Young Minds to Computer Networking and Cybersecurity
3. A Global Look at Quadratics in Sports
4. The Next Step in STEAM
5. Time to Tinker: A Model for Introducing Engineering and Design Standards in Elementary Schools
6. E^2- Engaging Events
7. Equity in STEM Education
8. Using the power grid to solve technical problems
9. Developing Perseverance in STEM Activities to Improve Reading
10. GETT Ready for Stem Camp
11. Java Coding with Processing
12. Robot Virtual Worlds and
13. Teaching Statistics: Let’s Stop Ignoring Nominal and Ordinal Scales of Measurement
14. Getting Started with STEM Camps
15. Transitioning Concepts of Nanotechnology from Elementary to Secondary Students with Sand
16. Basics of Google Sheets: Tricks for Analyzing Assessment Data
17. Science: Transcending Boundaries and Supporting Students for Their Future
18. Teaching “Computational Thinking” in K-12
19. Articulating two different models of Engineering Design in STEM classrooms
20. Differentiated Knowledge within STEM education
21. Technology Education, Design Based Learning, and STEM Instruction
22. Demystifying the NY-NGSS: Use Phenomenon-based Learning to Make Learning Come Alive!
23. WeBWorK and FishMath
24. Engaging Students Through Desmos Activity Builder
25. Nerf Guns and More!
26. Creatively Challenging Students in the STEAM Classroom
27. Mental Math Tips and Tricks: “You Mean Those Properties Can Be Useful?!”
28. History-infused Mathematics Instruction
29. Maps, Math, Media: Transdisciplinary STEM Projects
30. Application of Math Equations in Architectural Engineering
31. Professional Engineering Skills: Preparing Your High School Student To Enter A College Program and
32. “Flipped” vs Traditional Teaching of Statics: Some Experiences from the Trenches
33. QFT – Questioning for Learning
34. See the poster
35. Jumpstarting I-STEM for All Children
36. Supercharging science instruction with real virtual science labs
Plenary Session
STEM Trivia
Three Tours: Clean Room, Agricultural Robotics, Nurse Training Facility & Labs.
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Anthony G. Collins – President of Clarkson University
Dr. Robert Rogers – SUNY Fredonia Distinguished Teaching Professor
Dr. Kristina M. Johnson – Chancellor of the State University of New York