Other STEM Education Organizations
STEMteachersNYC is dedicated to interchange and interaction among teachers of various STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines. Our general purpose is to cultivate excellence in STEM teaching and to promote learning, self-confidence and success for our students.
National Science Teachers Association
The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), founded in 1944 and headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, is the largest organization in the world committed to promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all. NSTA’s current membership of 55,000 includes science teachers, science supervisors, administrators, scientists, business and industry representatives, and others involved in and committed to science education.
International Technology Education Association
The International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) is the professional organization for technology, innovation, design, and engineering educators. Our mission is to promote technological literacy for all by supporting the teaching of technology and engineering and promoting the professionalism of those engaged in these pursuits. ITEEA strengthens the profession through leadership, professional development, membership services, publications, and classroom activities.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Founded in 1920, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is the world’s largest mathematics education organization, with 60,000 members and more than 230 Affiliates throughout the United States and Canada.
STEM Education Coalition
The STEM Education Coalition works aggressively to raise awareness in Congress, the Administration, and other organizations about the critical role that STEM education plays in enabling the U.S. to remain the economic and technological leader of the global marketplace of the 21st century. Members of the STEM Coalition believe that our nation must improve the way our students learn science, mathematics, technology and engineering and that the business, education, and STEM communities must work together to achieve this goal
National Academy of Engineering
Founded in 1964, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) is a private, independent, nonprofit institution that provides engineering leadership in service to the nation. The mission of the National Academy of Engineering is to advance the well-being of the nation by promoting a vibrant engineering profession and by marshalling the expertise and insights of eminent engineers to provide independent advice to the federal government on matters involving engineering and technology.
eGFI – Engineering, Go For It (k-12 education)
eGFI is proudly brought to you by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). We are committed to promoting and enhancing efforts to improve K-12 STEM and engineering education. ASEE is located at 1818 N Street NW, Suite 600; Washington, DC 20036
Southeastern Consortium for Minorities in Engineering
SECME was established in 1975 as the Southeastern Consortium for Minorities in Engineering by the Engineering Deans at six southeastern universities: University of Alabama, University of Florida, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of South Carolina, University of Tennessee and Tuskegee Institute (now Tuskegee University). In 1997, the name was changed to SECME Inc. to better represent the territories we serve today, which extend to schools, universities, science- and technology-based business and industry, and public and private agencies in 16 states, the District of Columbia, and Grand Bahama. Since the vision of our founding deans, many additional universities have partnered with SECME to extend our mission.
The Lemelson-MIT Program
The Lemelson-MIT Program celebrates outstanding inventors and inspires young people to pursue creative lives and careers through invention. We recognize emerging collegiate inventors whose inventions could impact important sectors of the global economy and honor mid-career inventors with a prestigious cash prize. We also encourage youth to invent and develop their hands-on skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) through two national grants initiatives for grades 7-12.
Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM education
TIES, The Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM education is the country’s foremost innovator in STEM School design, STEM curriculum, and STEM instructional support to schools. TIES brings STEM services to districts, states and the federal government. TIES design teams work to create and build the finest STEM schools throughout the country. TIES recognizes the importance of school design and STEM professional development for all teachers as the basis to improve and advance the character of science, technology, engineering and mathematics teaching for students regardless of grade level.
The STEMx™ network is a multi-state STEM network developed for states, by states. This grassroots movement provides an accessible platform to share, analyze and disseminate quality STEM education tools to transform education, expand the number of STEM teachers, increase student achievement in STEM and grow tomorrow’s innovators.
STEM Ecosystems Initiative
The STEM Ecosystems Initiative is built on over a decade of research into successful STEM collaborations, and seeks to nurture and scale effective science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) learning opportunities for all young people.